Sustainably Less.

Whether they're part of the new mobility concepts or due to the heightened speed expectations of the digital consumer, fleet managers face unforeseen challenges daily in managing their mobile fleet. They seek service partners with optimal flexibility to achieve their goals: maximum vehicle availability on the road and no time wasted for their employees.

“In the future it will be less about your company’s purpose and more about helping your customer to fulfil their purpose.”

What does the FLINZ customer consider important? Where does FLINZ aim to make a difference for their customers in the fleet market?

Cost Efficiency

Our program ensures cost certainty, eliminating surprises on an annual basis, such as unforeseen premium increases. This provides our clients with a stable financial foundation and increased predictability in their spending patterns. … Less unpredicted costs.

Peace of Mind

Our service is aimed at providing peace of mind to our clients. This includes a full-service approach, where transparency, simplicity, and responsiveness are paramount. Clients can rely on our professional support and accessibility at every step of the process. … Less hassle.


We strive for maximum fleet availability, ensuring that vehicles are operational at all times and meet the needs of our clients. This includes efficient scheduling and maintenance management, minimizing disruptions to our clients' operations due to vehicle availability shortcomings. … Less downtime.

Safety on the Road

We recognize the importance of responsible driving behavior and aim to positively influence driver’s behavior. This can be achieved through various methods, including the use of tokens or reward systems that encourage and reward safe driving behavior. Our goal is to promote a culture of safety and responsibility within our client base, contributing to improved road safety and risk management in fleet management. Additionally, responsible driving behavior mostly results in reduced CO2 emissions, which not only scores well in ESG reporting but also ensures a sustainable, livable environment for us as humans. … Less accidents.